Excerpt #20 from my book, Interconnected, Interrelated & Interdependent, Like It or Not:


It is necessary that we understand the extraordinary reservoir of riches and potential we possess from the diverse elements within the complexity in which we exist.

It is within the context of our contrasting differences, when appropriately understood and addressed, where we find our greatest opportunities for growth and harmony.

Opposites such as light and dark, liberal and conservative, and masculine and feminine ad infinitum are constants in our reality.

They comprise the components of equilibrium to which we’ve responded disastrously.

The differences leading to strife among people are precisely the elements that make life possible in the first place.

Accepting other people's differences | Diversity | Controlling behavior
It is a palette of resources that offers such a range of riches that we are enabled, with proper mixing and coordinating, to create any color imaginable.

In the extremes, there exists opportunities for perfect uniqueness of expression while in the blending, there are infinite possibilities for complementing and counterbalancing.

It is, and always has been, our choice to address these either as opposing principles in competition with one another or complementary ones that are intricately related and can interact in a constructive manner to the benefit of all.

What we have done is to muddle our canvas by insisting that one hue be dominant over another.

Our response has transformed an ideal situation into a polarized political nightmare, personally and globally.

Confronting Political Polarization in the Social Studies Classroom
“Within the one, undivided and indivisible ocean of life, you have, through ignorance, created pernicious divisions based upon gender, race, nationality, religion and community. And you allow these self-created divisions to poison your hearts and pervert your relationships.

“You are already parts of one life, and therefore brotherhood is not something to be brought into existence through laborious efforts. It is the supreme fact which will claim your wholehearted
allegiance as soon as you have the candor and courage to face the truth.

“Slowly and surely you will shed prejudices and get disentangled from the superficial distinctions created by identifications with forms and names.” (Meher Baba)

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