Demon-Possessed Pedophile

Excerpt #67 from my book, Religion, An Obstacle to Human Progress

A former Southern Baptist Convention president stirred interfaith tumult when he described Mohammad, Islam’s revered founder, as a “demon-possessed pedophile”. The Rev. Jerry Vines made the comment at the Southern Baptist Pastors Conference. It drew strong denunciation from Muslim leaders when his statements were publicized. The new president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Rev. Jack Graham, supported Vines. (From the Fort Worth Star-Telegram)

If God had wanted another “i” dotted or another “t” crossed, He would have had it done. The writers did not use one word unless God wanted that word used. They put in every word which God wanted them to put into the Bible. – Dr. George DeHoff, Alleged Bible Contradictions Explained


irrational behavior

Twelve days after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, thousands of New Yorkers gathered at Yankee Stadium for a prayer service. Americans from a broad spectrum of religious beliefs stood together united in their support for each other and in their faith in a higher power.

The poignancy of the scene was lost on some officials in the Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church. They suspended one of the participants, the Rev. David Benke, for associating with “pagans”.

Synod officials contend that Pastor Benke violated the church’s ban on mixing Christian and non-Christian beliefs.

One senior official said Benke’s decision to pray with Muslin, Hindu, and Sikh clerics at Yankee Stadium “was an offense both to God and to all Christians.”

Author of God Against the Gods, Jonathan Kirsch, blames the leading monotheistic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—for much of history’s bloodshed. The reason, he maintains, is monotheism’s traditional claim to exclusive possession of the truth. (From an article by Ira Rifkin in Religion News Service).


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