Excerpt #6 from my book, Interconnected, Interrelated & Interdependent, Like It or Not:

The people of the United States, and the planet, are desperately in need of sensible new visions and pragmatic new approaches.

In this time, when people fear to hope, enlightened visionary leadership and participation could restore and create the structures and processes that would advance both human and economic development.

But how and from where, in a time punctuated with many complex issues and accelerating problems, will such a vision and direction materialize?

What should be the vision of an entrepreneur?

Are we not now fully committed in our efforts to remedy the challenges which currently abound, and worse, proliferate as our global population continues to balloon?

Our reality is that it is imperative that we begin devoting a significant portion of our time to the identification and resolution of the very causes of the ailments by which we suffer.

To address ourselves only to the symptoms, however dire, while simultaneously divorcing ourselves from the causal agents responsible for our dilemmas, is to detach ourselves from the broader opportunities of lasting prosperity and enduring peace, i.e., stability and sustainabilty.

We may begin our search for cause by examining the heart of our decision making process.

It is from this philosophical reservoir that springs forth the resultant decisions and consequent actions that give direction to our lives, and eventually color our world.

We must focus our attention on the dictates of reality that form the basis for our decision making if we are to identify the causes of our predicaments.

reality – Liberal Dictionary

Only out of such an assessment can a realignment and renewal be born.

Only after we begin the process of purifying the source, will the waters downstream begin to clear.

It is in the establishment of a clearly definable and widely agreed upon reality base for decision making wherein lies our hope for a peaceful and constructive future.

In the blogs that follow, we will consider the fact that humanity has always faced similar challenges, but that today’s are of an unprecedented magnitude that threatens our survival.

We will look at some of the more obvious examples of our destructive momentum and the profundity and immediacy of our predicaments.

We will consider an emerging reality that is beginning to stimulate change.

We will construct a reality base for decision making, explain how it is simply an aspect of a larger whole, and how its application defies all boundaries.

Finally, it will be made clear that our desired objectives are not only realistic and achievable but imperative and inevitable if we are going to continue to be a part of the evolutionary dance.

It’s not only about continuing to survive — it’s about the quality of our lives.

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