Politicians Know God’s Views

Excerpt #105 from my book, Religion, An Obstacle to Human Progress

I’m often amazed at the way politicians, who spend hours poring over opinion poll results in a desperate attempt to discover what the public thinks, are certain they know precisely what God’s views are on everything. – Simon Hoggart

As it turns out, politicians who ally themselves with the religious right are also rabidly anti-environmental. Those who score high with the Christian Coalition almost invariably score low with the League of Conservation Voters LCV. – Glenn Scherer in his article “Religious Wrong”

Religion and politics 2

Market conservatives tend to see environmentalists as either frivolous tree-huggers or dangerous monkey-wrenching eco-terrorists. They dismiss good environmental science as the doom saying of the loony left. Almost by definition, they lack an understanding of such concepts as sustainability, carrying capacity, biodiversity or webs of interdependence.– Glenn Scherer (in his article, “Religious Wrong”)

Church and state have always been tightly interlocked. The “divine right of kings” was not the invention of European monarchs. Every chiefdom and state society known to archaeologists justified political power through divine sanction, in which the chief, pharaoh, king, queen, monarch, emperor, sovereign, prime minister, or president claimed a relationship to God or the gods, who allegedly anointed him or her to act on behalf of the divinity. (From “The Divinity of Politics” by Michael Shermer)


At the Palm Beach Post’s Frank Cerabino wrote, the fortune of the Republican party is “tied to its abortion-banning, gay-shunning, stem-cell loathing, if-only-we-could-force-everybody-to-pray-in schools” right wing religious conservatives.