50 Observations (23)

The following “Observations” are excerpted from Chapter 2, We Humans,

from my “The Book of Observations.”

There are about 2,000 “Observations” in this book.


Institutions don’t fail;
people fail.

We threaten the web of life
of which we are but a strand.

Mistrust is pervasive.

For many, there is nothing sweeter
than the sound of one’s name.

It’s comforting to have a little extra time
and a few extra dollars.

It is we who enable businesses and religions
to exist, not vice versa.

The more life to which we are exposed,
the more weathered we become.

We are most agreeable when
our income is dependent on our behavior.

If you want to be disgusted,
read the newspaper.

We cannot think beyond our taste buds.

Our minds are unruly.

We covet our addictions.

Our needs blind us
to those of others.

Corruption happens.

The clock moves slowest
when we are most impatient.

Life is a tough game to play.

Small people can cause big problems.

Death and mayhem rule the headlines.

Belief systems vie for recruits.

When you’re something, you’re something;
When you’re nothing, you’re nothing.

Our appetites exceed our restraint.

That which is earned is more valued.

Without insight,
comprehension is limited.

Two can draw opposite conclusions
from the same observation.

We teach what we are.


Those who claim vehemently to not care
do care.

Our depravity is depressing.

Those who gush convey mush.

Some hold on; others let go.

Some advance; others retreat.

Small boys are the bane
of small critters.

Our participation is proportionate
to what we have at stake.

Pain teaches.

The expendable are expended.

Brains chatter.

Most people dig
their own graves.

We are the sum total of all our decisions.

People are too eager to fight.

When youth is gone, it’s gone.

The intelligent and educated are in the minority.

Hurry is something we do to ourselves.

People want and need love.

We are our habits.

Below a thin veneer of civility lies chaos.

We are our genes.

Who we know is not who we are.

Idiots who govern are still idiots.

The wise prioritize correctly.

Commerce and the media exploit each other.

Beware of ignorance’s wrath.



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