This is a collection of poignant, engaging, and often humorous thoughts and anecdotes about disturbing aspects of the world of religion.
This is a book for religious skeptics.
They will find that far from being alone, they are in elevated company.
Throughout history, a high ratio of major thinkers, scientists, writers, reformers, scholars, champions of democracy, and other world-changers have been and continue to be religious skeptics.
Many risked their lives to confront the power of the ignorance, stupidity, and wrath of religion.
This book, a testimony to them, is also for the unknowing, mislead, and exploited public, who have been taken advantage of for too many centuries.
A review of these quotes and anecdotes will lead an objective observer to conclude–as have many who are quoted–that the phenomenon of religion, with all its elaborate rituals, costumes, and falsehoods, is likely the world’s longest, most magnificent, and destructive charade.