We exist as a tiny fragment of an immensely larger interlocking whole in which all the parts are interconnected and depend upon each other for survival.
Simply put, everything is connected to everything else.
We exist not separately but in communion with all other living things.
Life, an interrelated interdependent phenomenon, has behavioral demands.
These demands can be summarized in seven words.
These seven words have the power to change life as we know it: The way we govern. The way we do business. The way we treat our employees, our environment, each other, and ourselves.
When we follow these seven words, our lives change.
As many of our lives change, our world changes.
To follow the seven words requires a clear understanding and embrace of the reality in which we exist.
Our window of opportunity to make the necessary and monumental shift in thinking is small compared to the large obstacles in our current belief systems that must be dissolved.
Yet, we must do this if we an all the other live forms that share this jewel of a planet are going to survive.
Only then, will we improve the quality of our lives, arrest and reverse our destructive an unsustainable momentum, end our needless suffering, prosper together, find peace, sustain humanity, advance our civilization, and succeed as a species.
Jonathan Swift said, “Nothing is great or small, except by comparison.” He was wrong. This little treasure is incomparable! Of course, Swift was surely alluding to physical size with this statement. By whatever measure, it is a great book. Like a child enjoying a treasured experience and not wanting it to end, I find myself reluctant to finish the first reading. When I do however, I will immediately start it over, my goal being the memorization of its many challenging and inspiring life and responsibility insights.
I sent my 93-year-old Dad a copy of your book. Dad read your book three times in three days, comparing it to Tom Paine’s Age of Reason which he has read many times. He said he agreed with everything you said which is a great compliment!! Dad is a very bright well-read man. So, you are in the company of Tom Paine and your book is being passed on for others to become educated.
Read it cover to cover effortlessly. It’s clear to me the time for this message is now. There’s a whole lot more in that “little” book than three simple rules. Joe Simonetta has written a masterpiece.”
I’ve been trying to understand this all my life; you have really figured it out.”
It is very daring. I think Joe is right on target for the third millennium.
An exquisite read. A gem.
Those three rules, seven words, are a simple-to-remember mantra that will work. Everyone can do it. Everyone needs to hear it. When these rules become the main priority, the rest will follow. Believing this gives me renewed enthusiasm towards being alive. You have given me back my life. Sounds awfully dramatic. It is. It’s more.
marvelous, succinct, right on target, the right message at the right time.
This short and brilliant book…is a wake-up call that will resonate with many readers…and encourage us to mobilize our resources to help bring about the change we know is necessary if we are to shift to a truly sustainable and participatory world system…
It’s a brilliant book, Joe, so easy to read and everything in it is just plain common sense in the light of knowledge we have available to us at present.
Last night as the thunder boomed and the lightning crackled, I read your book. Perhaps the weather was a fitting reflection of your words, for just as a cold front often moves in with great tumult and roar – washing away the stale, stagnant air with refreshing clarity – so does great change. Our poor, tired world is at a precipice of great change and your book gives us an inspiring blueprint to live by.