Excerpt #35 from my book, Interconnected, Interrelated & Interdependent, Like It or Not:


The fundamental reality is that if we do not align ourselves with that which sustains all the dimensions of life, we cannot expect a peaceful existence.

If the momentum anywhere is to be towards peace, the momentum within ourselves must first move in that direction.

Peace within

“If there be righteousness in the heart,
there will be beauty in the character.

If there be beauty in the character,
here will be harmony in the home.

If there be harmony in the home,
here will be order in the nation.

If there be order in the nation,
here will be peace in the world.” (Confucius)

If the momentum in the world is to be towards peace, the momentum in every country must be towards peace.

The domino theory has equal application in a positive as in the negative sense where we have heard it used most often.

Let the dominoes fall in the direction of peaceful coexistence.

If we wish to see peace in the world, we must first have peace at home.

The excessive partisanship, juvenile bickering, and pandering to special interests common in the politics of too many nations is not a formula for peace.

As Andrei Sakharov pointed out, the prevention of war requires not only military but also, “diplomatic, economic, ideological, political, cultural and social efforts.”

Attention to those areas of endeavor will sustain humanity, arrest and reverse our destruction and unsustainable momentum, and enable us to advance our civilization.

Cooperation 2

All that we seek is found in cooperation, all that we fear results from confrontation.

“It will not be possible to build an enduring peace until the average man has been convinced that personal selfishness is detrimental to personal happiness and personal success. It must be shown that self-seeking is out of fashion, and that the world is moving on to a larger conception of living.” (Manly Palmer Hall)

The world must move on to a higher conception of living if we wish to succeed as a species.

In the final analysis, true peace, which goes far beyond the cessation of warfare, will never be achieved by only those who fear war.

It will be introduced by those who can recognize and align themselves with our higher potential.

Will you be among them?

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