from my “The Book of Observations.”
There are about 2,000 “Observations” in this book.

Those who will not forgive
will not be forgiven.
Instead of bemoaning differences,
find similarities.
Beware of sales.
Feeling invincible is dangerous.
Priorities change.
Misery sweetens joy.
Abrasiveness is suitable for sandpaper
but not for personality.
Silence is often an adequate disavowal.
Tasteful need not be lavish.
Tasks that we put off
stalk our memory.
Alcohol enables some to be more than they are
but less than they might be.
Buy the shovel before the snowfall.
A crisis is life’s way of telling us
it’s time for change.
Experiences broaden perspective.
Alone we are free
until captured by loneliness.
First experiences are learning ones.
Marriage draws us together
or drives us apart.
Life scars hearts.
Worship truth, not those who convey it.
Shortsightedness today makes
for long tomorrows.
A closed mind is a dead-end street.
The wise speak with their mouths shut.
Severed bridges are difficult to cross.
The mere appearance of affluence opens doors.
To learn about tomorrow,
look to yesterday.
It’s best to expedite that which we dread.
Conflicting desires are beyond resolution.
Reality can be like a cold shower
on a cold day.
Rules are at the mercy
of their interpreters.
The first one there grabs the goodies.
We most relish our freedom
when it is gone.
Ignorance is best not flaunted.
Replenish the well before
the bucket comes up empty.
There’s more wisdom to be found
in the streets than in a cave.
Work makes leisure more enjoyable.
Challenge dogma and its purveyors.
Unprecedented crises
offer unparalleled opportunities.
Retreat before being overwhelmed.
Relationships are easy until there is
What you invite comes.
Friendships are common;
partnerships are rare.
Wisdom liberates.
Successful couples know
the meaning of tolerance.
The smart nap.
Nature rewards those who respect her.
If you don’t have it, don’t flaunt it.
Those who seek knowledge will find it.
Some doors are best left closed.
What we get attached to
we can get detached from.
What we don’t say is at least important
as what we do say.