The following “Observations” are excerpted from Chapter 3, Getting Through Life,

It takes time to get it right.
Too far ahead,
we are left behind.
Beautiful women ride free.
We are who we are
wherever we are.
Respected people become respectful.
Know when to move on.
Choices have consequences.
Expect human behavior.
Facts matter.
Beware of those infected with nonsense.
Our brains must be tamed.
We are victims of our decisions.
Age comes;
innocence goes.
More is learned listening than speaking.
Inactivity leads to incapacity.
Plug leaks.
Monitor what goes into your body
and what your body goes into.
Because it hasn’t been done
doesn’t mean it can’t be done.
Only you know you.
Even the brilliant make stupid decisions.
Be pleased, not proud.
It is difficult to put a foot
into a closed mouth.
Ongoing is a battle
between problems and solutions.
One can either be aligned with the way
or get in the way.
We don’t know what we don’t know
until we know better.
Good intentions don’t get the job done.
Major decisions deserve major attention.
Decision, strategy, execution, discipline,
and perseverance get it done.
Not enough activity is boring;
too much is stressful.
That for which we wait
comes slowest.
Earn the truth the hard way;
discover it yourself.
Until we open our mouths,
we are not thought fools.
Begin being what you want to become.
Harvest your thoughts.
When our emotions engage,
our reasoning disengages.
The closer the examination,
the more that is revealed.
Only in the grave
are there no alternatives.
Those who argue for their limitations
will be limited.
Check your parachute
before taking leaps of faith.
Winning techniques are soon adopted.
The anxious suffer every delay.
We pay for our decisions, or
our decisions pay us.
When we abandon the natural world,
our health abandons us.
Respect limits, yours and theirs.
Analyze criticism carefully
before jumping to your defense.
The more adverse the conditions,
the more poignant the experience.
Recognize the unchangeables.
Check for facts
before leaping to conclusions.
Lend only that which forever
you can do without.
Every idea meets resistance.