The following “Observations” are excerpted from Chapter 3, Getting Through Life,

Beware of your amygdala.
Earn high; spend low.
Know when to delay gratification.
Think about how you’re going
to feel afterward.
Life warrants caution but not paralysis.
Repetition teaches.
God is convenient.
Justice is exquisite.
Question everything.
The sage catches on early.
Unlearning is the hardest part.
Thought and action are children
of different mothers.
Life is serious business.
Beware the fury
of the self-righteous.
We are the ones
we have been waiting for.
Someone’s got to go first.
The fresher the wound,
the deeper the pain.
Think about what you’re thinking about.
A lot of a little
will surpass a little of a lot.
Listeners learn.
Open minds expand.
Ignorance is dangerous;
stupidity is disastrous.
Overreaction is the first reaction.
Staying alive is time consuming.
The first thing to build is character.
Silence is a song.
Worry is counterproductive.
We pay for either care or repair.
Raise the bar.
The future is pregnant with surprises.
Every decision has a consequence.
Think ahead or fall behind.
Time is the greatest luxury.
Birth’s joy is tempered
by life’s struggles.
What we set into motion returns.
There is always a counter argument.
Injury breeds caution.
Those who look ahead
know what’s coming.
Life’s meter is always running.
Setbacks move us ahead.
Our perception is our reality.
Know when to get off the train.
Unlearning is harder.
The wise respect limits.
Opposition is fixed and unavoidable.
Desire lengthens time.
Our intellects spar with our emotions.
Quick responses are troublemakers.
Life demands eternal vigilance.
We are prisoners of our minds.