from my “The Book of Observations.”
There are about 2,000 “Observations” in this book.
The worst response is no response.
Beauty draws traffic.
Eyes talk.
Everyone is guilty.
The center of the universe is a crowded place.
There is always a flaw.
There is no preparation for marriage.
We exist within our perspective.
Unless we know it will kill us,we’ll try it.
Life is a minefield.
Some people dance; others analyze dancing.
Time, money, and space are quickly consumed.
When the righteous clash, wrong results.
Memory is the home of vengeance.
Money tilts the odds.
Truth is a chameleon.
Unprotected turf gets usurped.
From dust thou art to duster thou shall be.
Height cannot compete with stature.
Most see the symptom, not the cause.
Those who see suffer.
Marriage is a boon for attorneys and psychologists.
Reputations are usually deserved.
Cynicism is sanity’s last refuge.
Opinions form.
That which can be made complicated will be.
Dreaming is one step beyond wishful thinking.
Each moment life fades and emerges.
All life competes to live.
Our hearts play games with our minds.
Life is sometimes less a gift and more a sentence.
Experience knows.
Those anxious to hear themselves become their sole listener.
Many are comfortable; few are content.
Salesmen would have us believe we are colleagues, not customers.
Pity the poor animal that pleases people’s palates.
Those who know the least demonstrate it.
Tragedy does not discriminate.
Finding an old friend is like discovering a lost treasure.
A mirror can be a humbling experience.Questions exceed answers.
Anonymity is a warm coat.
Far fewer meetings would occur were it not for lunch.
Many talk; few say anything.
We are driven by the allure of possibilities.
We are quick to inflate our worth.
Sex obliterates the rational mind.
The newsworthy often isn’t.
To death, we defend our ignorance.
The weak cannot give birth to the strong.