The following “Observations” are excerpted from Chapter 2, We Humans,
from my “The Book of Observations.”
There are about 2,000 “Observations” in this book.

The more we have,
the more we squander.
We gravitate to those
who judge us least.
Success is too often measured
with dollar signs.
Some favor the accelerator,
others the brake.
We eat other animal’s babies.
There’s always a need for something
just after it’s discarded.
Unhealthy habits show.
Anger distorts faces and minds.
When we see only our differences,
we are blind to our similarities.
Build roads, and they will come.
Clients have clout.
We ask for criticism
but seek praise.
Life is always talking;
we are not always listening.
We don’t like surprises
for which we have to pay.
We feel helpless
depending on the undependable.
What one thinks is rational
another thinks is irrational.
Teachers die;
teachings remain.
Marriage does not promise to end life’s trials
but only to complicate them.
We are betrayed
by our belligerence.
Everyone is unusual,
some more than others.
Only you can know
your own complexity.
Those who hesitate
compensate for those who don’t.
Workers better appreciate
working people.
Greed knows no shame.
Celebrities disdain the media
that gave them fame.
The skeptic knows life.
Villains are costly.
Stupidity procreates.
We ask favors
of those we favor.
Children make parents
younger longer and older sooner.
Joy fades; sorrow lingers.
Stringent rules are easy targets.
The headlines are more interesting
than the news.
Married life is less lonely,
less free, and more complicated.
Adults sip their congeniality.
Earth is becoming a better place
to visit than to live.
Some plan; some plot.
The wise are not always wise.
Competency seeks competency.
Power intimidates.
The common ground
is far too often uncommon.
We are pursued most
by those who seek our favor.
Old seems older
when we are younger.
People are often out seeking company
or at home regretting they have it.
Exasperation gives way to despair.
The employed seek retirement;
the retired seek employment.
Small people cause big problems.
Sex drives.
We choose retribution
over reconciliation.
Get in bed with the devil,
and you’re going to hell.
We labor under the
illusion of intelligence.